Promoting hope, healing and connection through the Choose Love Formula
Welcome to the
Choose Love Movement
Our goal is to create safer and more loving communities. We do this through groundbreaking next generation social and emotional learning (SEL) and character development programs
that are free of cost and suited for
all stages of life.
What is Choose Love Movement
Choose Love is a simple, powerful, easily understood and applied program. Beyond teaching skills, it provides a framework for addressing and overcoming challenges and living a meaningful, productive life.
We can make our world better by Choosing Love. That is why our program is free.
The Choose Love Movement is for Everyone
We cannot choose what happens to us, but we can choose how we thoughtfully respond and we can respond by Choosing Love. We offer programming, resources, training, and events to help everyone Choose Love by learning a simple but powerful formula:

Family & Lifestyle



What began as 3 words left behind on a chalk board by a six-year old boy…




…inspired a formula for Choosing Love that can be practiced by anyone, of any age, in any place

…that has become the foundation upon which we’ve built educational programs and practices for all ages and stages in life.


Accessible Programs

We’re glad you found us!
We invite you to learn more about our programs and are grateful for your interest in experiencing and supporting our movement!