Choose Love 10 Year Logo

Choose Love is a movement changing the world to be a safer, more peaceful, and loving place.

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10 years ago the unthinkable happened. My son Jesse was murdered at Sandy Hook. But he left a message that pointed the way to a solution. It led me to create the Choose Love Movement. More than three million people have engaged Choose Love since then to live happier, healthier, and safer lives. But we are only getting started.

– Scarlett Lewis

Our program has reached:

More than


People In




We offer Choose Love for free because we know that the world is a better place if every person, every school, every community Chooses Love. So much has been accomplished over these past ten years, but imagine if we could double the number of people who choose love next year. Imagine if we could have 25 million people involved in Choose Love by 2025. It’s a movement – and in the next 10 years, we will change the world.


It Starts with You! Join the Movement Now!