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Caring for YOU – Through a Student’s Eyes

Nov 30, 2021 | Choose Love in Action

Choose Love in action in Japan! Below is an essay written by the daughter of one of the staff members at the Fukui Prefectural Institute of Education in Japan, who supports schools in promoting positive education.  Her second-grade daughter has realized the importance of “caring for herself,” which is an important part of the CHOOSE LOVE program, and that her father and mother’s love made her realize this.

“Me and My Friend”

 I was confused when I saw the name of the book, because I did not know what it meant to be a good friend with myself.  So, I started reading it, wondering what it meant.

 In the story, there was a girl who was a pig.  When the girl was drawing by herself, she said, “I am not alone. I am drawing with me,” and I realized that there was such a way of thinking.  I used to think that I was lonely when I was practicing piano alone if my mother was not there, and I always thought that I would not be lonely if she was with me.

 It was also written that the girl wants to take care of herself because she is important. Therefore, she brushes her teeth. I also brushed my teeth every day, because my father and mother told me, “Yurika, brush your teeth.” But from now on, I will brush my own teeth for my own sake.

The girl said that she liked various parts of her body, so I tried to think of my favorite parts too. But I could not think of any, so I asked my mother. She told me, “I love Yurika’s small, cute hands.” I was very happy.  

I did not like my own hands very much because I often have dried hands. However, my mother always applied hand cream carefully, and now I can apply it by myself.  I realized that I had been taking good care of my hands.  I also thanked my hands for playing the piano so well.

 I thought it was nice that the girl was able to cheer herself up when she felt down or depressed.

 I am going to participate in a piano concert soon. I am full of anxiety about what I will do if I make a mistake. My mother always encourages me, but after reading this book, I want to encourage myself.

 I tried to think of words to cheer myself up, such as “You can do it. ” It will work out.  I came up with those words.

 I would like to continue to take good care of myself.  And when I am not feeling well, I want to remember words of encouragement to myself in my mind and cheer myself up.

 There are times when things do not go well, but I love me.  I want to become more and more friendly with me in the future.