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‘Nurturing Healing Love’ – Hay House Pick for e-Book Special

Mar 14, 2017 | General

Hay House Pick for e-Book Special

is offering an e-book special for ‘Nurturing Healing Love’. Only $3.99 though April 3, 2017. 100% of the proceeds from the book are donated to the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation, teaching children to choose love over anger.

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On February 16th, 2013 at the Javits Center in New York City, Dr. Wayne Dyer invited a woman he had met that morning, Scarlett Lewis, on stage to speak to 3,000 people… watch the video below and hear Scarlett’s powerful story.


On December 14, 2012, Scarlett Lewis experienced something that no parent should ever have to endure: she lost her son Jesse in an act of unimaginable violence. The day started just like any other, but when a gunman opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Scarlett’s life changed forever. However, this isn’t a story about a massacre. It’s a story about love and survival. It’s about how to face the impossible, how to find courage when you think you have none, and how to choose love instead of anger, fear, or hatred.

Following Jesse’s death, Scarlett went on an unexpected journey, inspired by a simple three-word message he had scrawled on their kitchen chalkboard shortly before he died: Norurting Helin Love (Nurturing Healing Love). It was as if he knew just what his family would need in order to go on after this horrible tragedy. Bolstered by his words, Scarlett took her first step toward a new life. And with each step, it became clearer how true Jesse’s message was. She learned that love was indeed the essential element necessary to move forward and that taking the path of love is a choice. We can live in anger and resentment, or we can choose love and forgiveness.

With her decision made, she found some peace and began to believe that choosing love was the key to creating a healthy, safe, and happy world. She began the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Foundation to develop programs to teach children about the power each of us has to change our thoughts and choose a life without fear and hate.

Nurturing Healing Love is Scarlett’s story of how choosing love is changing her life—and how it could change our world.