News & Events

Scarlett wins 2019 Jason Award

Nov 4, 2019 | General

Scarlett Lewis Honored For Vision, Courage and Will 


The 2019 Jason Awards event is scheduled for Nov. 15 at the Mid-America Center. The event is held annually to recognize individuals, couples, organizations or businesses that exemplify the mission of Children’s Square U.S.A., which is to teach each child the values and life skills essential to a successful life — one full of caring, contribution and commitment — empowering each with “The Vision to See” (and the value of setting an ideal for which to reach); “The Courage to Try” (and the value of accepting each obstacle as a challenge to meet); and “The Will to Succeed” (and the value of making the commitment to persevere).

Jason Award recipients demonstrate “Caring, Contribution and Commitment” to children, families, communities and related causes. Their lives and work exemplify the “Vision, Courage and Will” needed to embrace opportunities and challenges in life.

Read the full story by Children’s Square U.S.A. (The Daily Nonpareil) HERE.