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NEW! Choose Love for the Workplace Launches with Webinar Series

Apr 9, 2020 | Choose Love for the Workplace

Choose Love For The Workplace™ Launches with Webinar Series



“Those who survive are not the strongest or the most intelligent, but the most adaptable to change.”
— Charles Darwin

In response to the changes in the workforce brought on by the Coronovirus, Choose Love For The Workplace™ is offering a series of live webinars to provide essential life skills to everyone who has had to make radical adjustments to their work life and personal life.

Choose Love For The Workplace™ will kick off with a free, 3-part webinar series, “Navigating the New Normal”. This course will teach essential life skills needed to adjust to the disruption in the workforce for the coming weeks and months due to the challenges of shelter-in-place and social distancing. Whether you are an essential worker on the front lines, working remotely, unemployed, being furloughed, etc, this series is geared toward you.

Navigating the New Normal – 3 Part Webinar Series

Part One: A Time for Courage – April 15 at Noon ET

The pandemic plays into our instinctual fear. Our lives have been upended. We have no control over the changes affecting our lives and having no control is a bad feeling. Learn how you can brave the pandemic and take your personal power back.

Part Two: The After Effects of Coronavirus – April 22 at Noon ET

Life after the Coronavirus will never be the same. The pandemic is being compared to Pearl Harbor and 9-11. How can you be resilient and even grow through difficult times. Learn how you can experience Post Traumatic Growth (PTG) and come out stronger.

Part Three: The Choose Love Formula – April 29 at Noon ET

Learn a formula that will help you adapt to the drastic changes in your work life and personal life. Courage, gratitude, forgiveness and compassion-in-action can help you through this difficult time.

The webinars will remind participants that “although we cannot always choose what happens to us, we can always choose how we respond, and we can always respond by Choosing Love,” and provide them the tools and skills to do this.

In each session, you will learn how to apply the principles of the Choose Love Formula with practice skills, techniques and essential resources.

Registration in advance is requested, and a donation is suggested to support our no-cost Choose Love For School program.

Join us and remember to Choose Love everyday!



Donations Support Choose Love For Schools™

Choose Love For Schools™, a no cost, next-generation, social and emotional learning program, is currently being taught in all 50 states and over 100 countries around the world.