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Choosing Love Means Choosing Hope

Oct 27, 2019 | General

Love imagined leads to hope

Around Bentonville, the “Choose Love” signs display our school district’s adoption of The Choose Love Enrichment Program, which will teach “educators and their students how to choose love in any circumstance and help them become connected, resilient and empowered individuals,” according to the website. Jesse Lewis died in the Sandy Hook mass school shooting, and his mother Scarlett Lewis has dedicated herself to honoring her son’s message of “Nurturing, Healing Love” that he left on a chalkboard in their kitchen. She has taken this message not only into schools but also into prisons. You can learn more not only by visiting the website but also by attending the Nov. 9 Choose Love Celebration from 10 a.m. to noon at Old High Middle School.

When so much in our world careens toward seeming chaos and violence, moments affirming love help us imagine a world where beloved community is possible, and where there’s imagination, there’s hope. May we all choose love.

Read the full story by Sara Milford (Arkansas Democrat Gazette) HERE.