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Back to School with BRAVERY during and beyond COVID-19: our new trauma-informed, relationship and resilience-building add-on unit

Aug 14, 2020 | Announcements, For Educators

Looking for some lessons related specifically to children, school and managing trauma following COVID-19?  Educators, administrators and counselors are loving our newest no cost addition to the Choose Love For Schools curriculum: Choosing Love in Our Brave New World.

Before any other learning can be effective, students and educators need to feel safe, a sense of belonging, cared for, and loved. These trauma-informed lessons are infused with social and emotional wellness and were specifically designed to meet educators and their students where they are when they return to school this year, in whatever capacity.

This PreK-12th grade “add-on Unit” is a precursor to the full year Choose Love For Schools™ program, and was designed to provide immediate back-to-school support in between 3 and 6 lessons, regardless of what other SEL programs might already be in place, to help get everyone back to baseline and learning as soon as possible, taking into account the long absence and potential for trauma and grief.

Areas covered include:

  • post traumatic growth
  • growth mindset
  • self awareness
  • self regulation
  • mindfulness

and more.

This is a no cost program that EVERY SCHOOL needs — grab the comprehensive program preview here, and please pass it along!