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Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 16

Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 16

Scarlett Shares A Forgiveness Meditation "Choosing Love means having the COURAGE to be GRATEFUL, even when things aren't going your way; to FORGIVE, even when the person who hurt you isn't sorry ...." Forgiveness is HARD, even for the most...

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Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 15

Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 15

Jan Pierret Director of Marketing & PR Take Your Personal Power Back! Jan explains what forgiveness is and describes some of the different types of items that symbolize forgiveness that you could decorate your forgiveness flat duck...

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Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 14

Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 14

Pam Brown Editorial & Marketing Strategist Happy Valentine's Day! Pam makes a card for someone she is thankful for on Valentine's Day. How did you express your gratitude and celebrate your loved ones today? Share your stories or...

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Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 13

Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 13

Shannon Desilets Director of Advocacy & NH Choose Love Ambassador Show Your Loved Ones Your Appreciation! Make sure you let the people in your life know just how much they mean to you. Thank them for their love and support in your own...

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Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 12

Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 12

Mary Hally Choose Love Ambassador Express Your Creativity & GRATITUDE! Mary, our Choose Love Ambassador for Mississippi, expresses her gratitude for healthcare workers and those who take care of the elderly. She shares a message of...

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Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 11

Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 11

Heidi Pottinger Choose Love Ambassador Make a Gratitude Chain! Heidi, the Founder & Executive Director of CHARM and our Choose Love Arizona Ambassador, shares with us a few benefits of practicing gratitude. She also explains how you...

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Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 10

Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 10

Pam Brown Editorial & Marketing Strategist Appreciate Nature! Pam brings a fuzzy friend for a walk in the snow to appreciate the beauty of nature. Did you get out and enjoy the recent snowfall? Or maybe you took a long walk in the warm...

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Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 9

Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 9

Betsy Carlson Director of Data & Support Take A Gratitude Breath! Betsy loves being outside and enjoying nature, it's her favorite thing about living in California! Today, she practices gratitude by visiting her favorite place - the...

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Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 8

Choose Love Awareness Month – Day 8

Julianne Lewis Choose Love Ambassador Show Your Gratitude! Julianne is one of our Arkansas Ambassadors and Scarlett's cousin! She shares her gratitude for her two daughters. Julianne expressed her beautiful sentiments by thoughtfully...

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