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Option B

Option B Featured Post By Scarlett Lewis I’ve spoken all over the world since my six-year-old son's murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School alongside nineteen of his classmates and six educators...

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The Algorithm of Compassion by Dr. Chris Kukk

The Algorithm of Compassion by Dr. Chris Kukk

  Algorithms shape our lives in multiple ways every day from what we can buy at the grocery store to where and when we can travel on an airplane. They’re used to manage everything from determining stock sales and purchases to matching organ donors and recipients...

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Earth Day – Minute of Mindfulness and Gratitude

Earth Day – Minute of Mindfulness and Gratitude

Earth Day Mindfulness and Gratitude Exercise A Minute of Mindfulness Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths. Focus your attention on the out-breath. Observe the scents of the spring air. Open your eyes. Scan the landscape for color. Count each color as you see...

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Is Social and Emotional Learning in Your Schools?

Advocate for Social and Emotional Learning within Your Schools. Half Our College-Bound Youth will Have a Diagnosable Mental Illness by 18.* I took my son, JT, on a trip to the Middle East recently. I was uneasy about this and called a friend who spent three months in...

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Peace, Love and Music from Maren

Peace Love & Music From Maren an arts & music festival honoring the life of Maren Sanchez. This 16-year-old teenager lost her life too soon to a violent crime committed by a fellow student. The mission of the Maren Sanchez Home Foundation is to empower girls...

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