NEWTOWN, Conn. (WTNH) — Turning grief into purpose. That’s the mission of the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement.The non-profit was founded to honor Jesse Lewis, who was tragically taken at Sandy Hook, nine years ago.“He always looked at himself as a protector. He would...
Check out our other news:
Scarlett Lewis on WTNH with Rich Coppola
Dec 15, 2021 | Interviews, News
NEWTOWN, Conn. (WTNH) – Just like the rest, Jesse Lewis wasn’t here to celebrate what would have been his 15th birthday back in June and he won’t be here to celebrate the holidays or play on his farm.“The loss is the same. It’s very painful. I feel pain every day. I...
Scarlett Lewis on NBC LX – Here’s What We Need to Prevent Violence
Dec 15, 2021 | Interviews, News
Scarlett Lewis’ son Jesse was one of 20 students killed December 14, 2012 in a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. After losing Jesse, Scarlett quit her job and began advocating for better mental health and emotional wellbeing resources in schools –...
Scarlett Lewis on Fox61 with Tony Terzi
Dec 13, 2021 | Interviews, News
NEWTOWN, Conn. — Scarlett Lewis says she is amazed that, though it has been nine years since the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that claimed her son's life, her pain remains fresh and raw. "I still cry every day," Lewis said. "But I think that I process my pain...
Scarlett Lewis on WXYZ’s UpFront with Glenda Lewis
Dec 10, 2021 | Interviews, News Mother examines mental health impact of school shootings after losing child in Sandy Hook tragedy (WXYZ) — In tonight's 7 UpFront segment, we're taking a closer look at the impact the school shooting will have on the mental health of...
Scarlett Lewis on WDIV’s Flashpoint with Devin Scillian
Dec 9, 2021 | Interviews, News Mother of Sandy Hook victim talks path forward after school shootings Is it possible to heal from a trauma like what happened at Oxford High School? Is there any reason to believe an end will come to these school shootings? Joining...
Scarlett Lewis on The Rebound with Award-Winning Journalist Reena Ninan
Dec 17, 2020 | Announcements, Fundraisers, Interviews, News, Videos We’re half way to our yearend goal of $25,000. Can you donate, share and invite your friends to give thousands of children the help they need today to prevent problems before they start? Here are some ways you can Be Part of the Solution:...
CBS News: Scarlett Lewis Works to Help Kids & Prevent Violence with Social Emotional Education Effort
Dec 14, 2020 | Announcements, General, Interviews, News, Videos
Sandy Hook mother works to help kids and prevent violence with emotional education effortEight years after Scarlett Lewis lost her son Jesse in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, she is a strong advocate for mental health causes and...
A Conversation with Dr. Edith Eger
Nov 19, 2020 | General, Interviews, Videos
Scarlett has an insightful conversation with Dr. Edith Eger, internationally acclaimed psychologist, Holocaust survivor, and author of the New York Times Bestseller, The Choice. Both share their stories of tragic circumstances and how it all comes down to the concept...