In this episode… I sat down with my friends Bill Lavin, a retired firefighter from New Jersey, and Yannick Kabuguza, a Rwandan Genocide survivor, to talk about how they got to know each other and how they Choose Love in their lives. Bill, founder of the Where Angels...
Check out our other news:
Podcasts, Episode 37: Caroline Maguire on SEL for parents and families
Mar 23, 2021 | ChooSELove Movement Podcasts
In this episode…We talk about the great new offering we've been putting together that will help you bring SEL (Social Emotional Learning) into your EVERY day in simple, fun, impactful ways. Our #HowToSEL coaching subscription series will be launching soon, so stay...
Podcasts, Episode 36: Jud Cummings on pausing during the pandemic, focusing on the positives
Mar 19, 2021 | ChooSELove Movement Podcasts
In this episode… It made me so happy to invite Jud Cummings, Choose Love Youth Ambassador and the son of a dear family friend, to the ChooSELove Podcast. We talked about pausing during the pandemic, focusing on the positives, and more. Always refreshing to get the...
Podcasts, Episode 35: Maureen Lewis on dealing with anxiety, how to make the most of what you have in the world we are living in, holding onto hope
Mar 14, 2021 | ChooSELove Movement Podcasts
In this episode… Some of the best conversations about life happen with my mom, Maureen Lewis, over a cup of coffee or while sitting around the fireplace. Here we share one such conversation where we talk about dealing with anxiety, how to make the most of what you...
Podcasts, Episode 34: Molly Hudgens on how she personally prevented a school shooting from happening at her school, how that experience has changed the way she lives her life
Mar 9, 2021 | ChooSELove Movement Podcasts
In this episode… Molly Hudgens, school counselor and violence prevention specialist, shares the story of how she personally prevented a school shooting from happening at her school. She tells us how that experience has changed the way she lives her life. Molly now...
Podcasts, Episode 33: Corinne Coppola on how to build resilience and overcome the challenges we face on a daily basis in the world we now find ourselves living in
Mar 4, 2021 | ChooSELove Movement Podcasts
In this episode…Corinne Coppola (M.A., CTSY) is known for her uplifting energy and ability to create a healing space to empower people of all ages. It was a pleasure sitting down with her to talk about how to build resilience and overcome the challenges we face on a...
Podcasts, Episode 32: Stephanie Bierman on children’s book to help young people recognize and understand their emotions.
Mar 1, 2021 | ChooSELove Movement Podcasts
In this episode… I got to sit down with my good friend Stephanie Bierman, whom I've known since middle school, to talk about the important work she's done with the Choose Love Movement since the very beginning. As a school counselor with 15 years of experience and...
Episode 31: Iran Nazario – Peace Center of CT
Feb 22, 2021 | ChooSELove Movement Podcasts
In this episode… I sat down with Iran Nazario, the owner and founder of the Peace Center of Connecticut. Iran was a foster child in the custody of DCF in his childhood who then immersed himself in to the violent street culture of gang membership and prison though his...
Episode 30: Marissa Naz – Choosing Love is THE Solution
Feb 15, 2021 | ChooSELove Movement Podcasts
In this episode… Marissa Naz, an educator at MAS Charter in Albuquerque, New Mexico, courageously joins us to share her story about being bullied as a child. She gives us important insight as to why she believes the Choose Love curriculum is a better solution to...