Celebrating Teachers and Raising Awareness of Mental WellnessBy Scarlett Lewis Educators are modern day superheroes! As parents, we give our most precious asset, our children, to these individuals and ask them to help shape and mold them into the human beings they...
Check out our other news:
Scarlett Lewis Named a Holistic Wealth Trailblazer
Mar 28, 2022 | Announcements, General, Scarlett's Blog
Congratulations to Scarlett Lewis for being included in The Institute on Holistic Wealth inaugural list of Holistic Wealth Trailblazers who are empowering women!
Feeling the Stress and What You Can Do About It
Mar 28, 2022 | Scarlett's Blog
‘I’m so stressed out!’ We hear this refrain over and over again, but what does it really mean, and is it all bad? Most of us tend to focus on the negative. This is actually our brain’s way of keeping us safe. This is a good thing, of course, but sometimes negative...
Fortifying Your Workplace With Love
Mar 7, 2022 | Scarlett's Blog
For the first time in our lives, we are all out of our comfort zones. With COVID, the war in the Ukraine, continued polarization within our own communities and nation, the rise in violence and crime, and continued worry about our health, well-being, and even safety,...
A Choose Love Poem by Scarlett Lewis
Feb 11, 2022 | Announcements, Awareness Month, Scarlett's Blog
Scarlett Lewis shares her Choose Love Awareness Month poem about the Choose Love Formula.
The Importance of Choosing Love Every Day
Feb 3, 2022 | General, Scarlett's Blog
February is a special month – it’s Choose Love Awareness Month! It’s time to celebrate love and focus on our ability to choose love in our lives! For 28 days the Choose Love Movement shares daily action tips on ways you can bring more ‘Nurturing Healing Love’ to yourself and others all month long and beyond. We also share how you can live a Choose Love lifestyle by incorporating the Choose Love Formula into your daily life.
Choose Love over Fear Every Day
Jan 21, 2022 | Scarlett's Blog
Personal growth is a possibility for everyone. In fact, I believe it’s why we’re here – to learn from, grow through, and be strengthened by our experiences, both good and bad. By cultivating awareness that we can ultimately benefit from hard times in the long run, I hope to lead others to focus on their potential in life, rather than the immediate discomfort. This is an especially poignant message for our current situation with COVID.
Choosing Love over Fear Every Day
Jan 18, 2022 | Scarlett's Blog
When I was in elementary school my four-year-old niece died of leukemia. My aunt said that for years after her daughter’s death, she couldn’t see color, everything was black and white. That impacted me deeply and I often thought about that when Jesse died and wondered...
10 Things You Can Do Right Now to End School Shootings
Dec 13, 2021 | Announcements, General, Scarlett's Blog
Jesse Lewis with mother Scarlett When are we going to get serious about the safety, health and well-being of our children? Tomorrow is the 9th anniversary of Sandy Hook. This marks the last time I hugged and kissed Jesse. And also the first day of my new life,...