Mary Hally
Choose Love Ambassador
Express Your Creativity & GRATITUDE!
Mary, our Choose Love Ambassador for Mississippi, expresses her gratitude for healthcare workers and those who take care of the elderly. She shares a message of kindness and a challenge of her own below:
“As a Choose Love Ambassador, it has entered my mind how those who are caring for the elderly must be experiencing unimaginable challenges and feelings. Over this past year, the work of these elder caregivers has continued to reflect the true heart of humanity:
To love, care for, and express compassion for another when things become challenging.
I am grateful for the hope and ability these people demonstrate as they carry such responsibility and steadfast courage. These workers remain alongside the lives of others who are in pain and fear, while also returning home to care for their own families.
In a unitive effort to express gratitude for those who carry courage within their compassion-in-action, I have reached out to local families and schools to collaborate ways to create Kindness Cards for surrounding nursing homes and Meals on Wheels recipients: Over 600 cards have been created for not only eldercare staff, but for elders who are in social isolation.
Thank you to everyone who teamed up to make this mission a success, including The Country School, in Madison, CT!
Would you like to demonstrate gratitude to your local caregivers and elder community?
Here are some steps that may guide you as you consider ways to express your own gratitude. Please remember to share your creations with our Choose Love Community!”