- Making kindness pencils with kindness flags for another class that will be left secretly by Choose Love cadets
- Creating posters with kind and uplifting messages to be displayed magically around the school building
- Write or trace notes of appreciation for school staff members such as custodians, secretaries, school resource officers, etc.
These are just a few examples of some of the many “secret choose love” missions the class hopes to complete. Each act of kindness and mission will be done secretly, and left with a small note from The Choose Love cadets. The entire purpose of this program is not to gain recognition for the small acts of kindness and love.
Every day, the class will say the Choose Love cadet pledge at the Morning Meeting and each child will be given an honorary Choose Love cadet army helmet with the Choose Love logo on it. This is reflective of Jesse Lewis’ love of his green army men! The students will wear the Choose Love cadet helmets while stealthily completing kindness and choose love missions around the building.