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Coffee Talk with Scarlett Lewis & Dianne Gray

Dec 21, 2020 | Past Events

We have experienced grief, loss, chaos, anxiety, and so much more at all-time highs this year, but we can work through it, overcome, grow, and find hope for a better future. 

How do we navigate it all and choose love during these difficult times?

Join Scarlett Lewis, founder of the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement, and Dianne Gray of the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation, to find out! Grab your morning coffee and join us as we talk about how you can make the most of this holiday season. 

They are here to answer your questions.

Dianne Gray, CEO of Hospice and Healthcare Communications and Board Member for the Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Foundation, is a partner of the Choose Love Movement and has created a Healthy Grieving Choose Love Extension Program for us.

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