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End Loneliness by Choosing Love

Nov 14, 2018 | General

Choose Love Movement Focuses on Solutions to End Loneliness

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Loneliness is an epidemic in America with nearly half of all Americans reporting that they feel alone or left out always or sometimes. It is a growing issue among all generations including children, Gen Z and Millennials. In fact, according to a study on loneliness by CIGNA, Gen Z and Millennials had a higher loneliness score than baby boomers.

“Loneliness isn’t just a fleeting feeling, leaving us sad for a few hours to a few days. Research in recent years suggests that for many people, loneliness is more like a chronic ache, affecting their daily lives and sense of well-being,” according to Rhitu Chatterjee,

The Choose Love Movement hopes to combat loneliness by educating adults and children on this growing epidemic and offer solutions by highlighting how the Choose Love Formula components of courage and compassion-in-action can help. Visit our social media channels on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for daily posts to learn more about how to recognize and support someone who might be lonely or how to overcome loneliness.

“Love is the opposite of loneliness. And love is connection. When we connect with someone, we are validating them, showing that we care through action, and empowering them to do the same,”Scarlett Lewis, Chief Movement Officer, Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement. Choosing Love means having the courage to step outside your comfort zone to connect with others. It can be as little as a smile and making eye contact when they pass you by; a hello instead of looking down at your phone, or even initiating a conversation, ‘Hey, I see something we have in common by the patch you have on your backpack!'”

Lewis continued, “With these compassionate actions, you are showing love… you are choosing connection. When you connect with others, an amazing thing happens, it makes you feel good and YOU feel loved. You can’t have a loving thought and a lonely thought at once.”