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Join us for #30DaysOfGratitude

Oct 29, 2019 | General

Choose Love Communities Presents ‘30 Days of Gratitude’ in November

The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement™ announced today its ‘30 Days of Gratitude’ social media campaign throughout November to teach and inspire people to live a life with gratitude. Choose Love Communities™ invites community groups and businesses to participate at no cost to help be part of the solution by sharing our message of Choosing Love and creating a more peaceful and connected world.

“We are empowering communities across the country to be part of the solution and help create a more peaceful community by sharing our ‘30 Days of Gratitude’ campaign. Encouraging our community members to embrace being more thankful and learning how to Choose Love will create a ripple effect that will make a difference in their lives and the lives of others,” stated Scarlett Lewis, Chief Movement Officer of the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement.

Read the full story by Jan Wilmot (EIN Presswire) HERE.