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Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation Chooses Love

Jan 16, 2017 | General

Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation is shining their light on the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement. Here is an excerpt from their Born Brave Blog:

For the month of January, Born This Way Foundation will shine light on an organization that gives us hope that we can choose love, even during the darkest days. The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement was established in honor of Jesse Lewis, who was one of the 26 victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. The foundation was established to develop school-based educational programs to change our current culture of violence to one of safety, peace and love for everyone in our world. Scarlett Lewis shares her story with us.

Sometimes we go through things in life and we feel like we have no control. And it’s true, things happen that are totally out of our control. But we always have control over one thing – how we respond in any given situation. Take the murder of my 6-year-old son. He was killed in his first grade classroom at Sandy Hook Elementary, alongside 19 of his classmates and 6 educators. I couldn’t control the former student who killed all those innocent people, but I did control how I responded to the tragedy. Ultimately, I responded by starting a worldwide movement to choose love through a nonprofit organization I created in honor of my son – the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement. It was a process in how I got there.

Read the Full Blog Post on the Born Brave Blog