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From “SERENITY NOW!” to Serenity.

From “SERENITY NOW!” to Serenity.

Self-Care and Mindfulness helps create a positive learning environment. If your classroom has you yelling “Serenity Now!” it’s time to think about how you are modeling your own behavior for your students. An orderly classroom starts with you. Give yourself some real...

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Choose Love C.A.R.E.S. School Assembly

Choose Love C.A.R.E.S. School Assembly

By Julia Richter, Choose Love C.A.R.E.S. Implementation Coach I was privileged to onboard Choose Love programming at Curtis Strange Elementary School in Kenosha, WI in late August 2021 by facilitating 4 hours of Choose Love CARES Professional Developments to staff. ...

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Shifting the SELF into Regulation

Shifting the SELF into Regulation

More love is needed in our lives and in this world. It’s a word we don’t use often enough for ourselves and our children. It is a word that can truly transform a thought, a feeling and an action. I’ve been teaching the evidence-based practices of breath, movement and mindfulness to schools across the country. I created the Mindfulness Extension Program for the Choose Love Movement because I deeply believe in the mission of helping school communities learn to how to nurture, heal and love.

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How To Get Me Time As                                A Single Mum Over 40

How To Get Me Time As A Single Mum Over 40

How To Get Me Time As A Single Mum Over 40 by Scarlett Lewis Want a crash course in managing chaos with grace? Think single parents. According to the 2021 US Census Bureau, out of 11 million single-parent families with children under age 18, nearly 80 per...

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Choose Love Movement Joins Second National ‘Mental Health Action Day’ on May 19th

Choose Love Movement Joins Second National ‘Mental Health Action Day’ on May 19th

The Choose Love Movement is committed to providing actionable steps to improving mental health and well-being. On Mental Health Action Day, May 19th, join take action for yourself or offer help to someone else in need. Start by taking the Pledge to Choose Love, and learn about our Choose Love Formula which teaches you how to love your authentic self. Choose Love will also be offering a free workshop on May 19th at 6 PM ET, “Pathways to Well-Being”.

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May 2022 Calendar

May 2022 Calendar

Let's celebrate being Mindful this May! Use these tips and tricks to focus on your mental health this month.  Calendar in English | Japanese | Italian | Greek

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