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Monroe-Woodbury District Chooses Love

M-W District Chooses Love The evening of Oct. 30, Ms. Lewis presented a "Choose Love" family event at the M-W high school, sharing the basic precepts of her program of social and emotional learning with the Monroe-Woodbury school community. The free social emotional...

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Scarlett wins 2019 Jason Award

Scarlett wins 2019 Jason Award

Scarlett Lewis Honored For Vision, Courage and Will                                              The 2019 Jason Awards event is scheduled for Nov. 15 at the Mid-America Center. The event is held annually to recognize individuals, couples, organizations or businesses...

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Champions Choose Love

Scarlett talks to Karen Murphy - educator, coach, athlete, parent, and more - about our new, no-cost Champions Choose Love program that she helped to create. Learn how coaches and athletes of any age can use the Choose Love Formula to develop self-awareness,...

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Join us for #30DaysOfGratitude

Join us for #30DaysOfGratitude

Choose Love Communities Presents ‘30 Days of Gratitude’ in November The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement™ announced today its ‘30 Days of Gratitude’ social media campaign throughout November to teach and inspire people to live a life with gratitude. Choose Love...

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Choosing Love Means Choosing Hope

Love imagined leads to hope Around Bentonville, the "Choose Love" signs display our school district's adoption of The Choose Love Enrichment Program, which will teach "educators and their students how to choose love in any circumstance and help them become connected,...

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Scarlett Brings Choose Love to Keene State College in NH

Choosing Love: Mother of Sandy Hook victim brings movement to Keene ...her words are powerful, confident and upbeat, representative of the movement that December day in 2012 spawned. Lewis is founder of the Choose Love Movement, a program that thousands of schools in...

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Bentonville Celebrates Choose Love Community-Wide

Bentonville Celebrates Choose Love Community-Wide

Bentonville to celebrate Choose Love program [Scarlett's] son Jesse was 6 years old when he was killed in the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14, 2012. She started the Choose Love Movement in an effort to prevent tragedies. The...

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