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Sandy Hook Mother Spreads Message of Love
Oct 12, 2019 | General
Choose love: Sandy Hook mother spreads message “The Choose Love movement is a social and emotional learning program,” Lewis said. “It is an essential part of school safety.” Since its inception in 2013, the Choose Love movement has spread to all 50 states in America...
Champions Choose Love
Oct 9, 2019 | General, Press Releases
New Program: Champions Choose Love Inspire athletes to make the right decisions ON and OFF the field! We are pleased to announce our newest program, Champions Choose Love. This a no-cost athletic-inspired SEL program is geared for athletic directors of schools and all...
Dover High School in RI learns “Nurturing Healing Love” is the Solution
Oct 8, 2019 | General
Sandy Hook mom: ‘Nurturing, healing love’ is solution “When my 6-year-old son was murdered, I decided that I would spend the rest of my life being part of the solution,” she said. ”(Sandy Hook) was 100% preventable.” Lewis said her programming initiative began after a...
Scarlett Named to List of Top 10 Industries for U.S. Women Business Owners
Sep 29, 2019 | General
Top 10 Industries for U.S. Women Business Owners Women understand that a good education can change lives. After Scarlett Lewis’ son died in the Sandy Hook shooting, she wanted to find a way to prevent shootings from happening again. So, she started an educational...
WWHS Launches Choose Love Enrichment Program
Sep 22, 2019 | General
WWHS rolls out Choose Love social and emotional learning program Walking through the front doors of West Warwick High School, it’s almost palpable. “I feel like the whole vibe has changed,” Isabella Santilli, a senior at the school, said as she sat at a table across...
Little Red School Joins Choose Love Movement
Sep 19, 2019 | General
Little Red joins ‘Choose Love’ movement With Lewis standing in front of them, the students learned about her Choose Love Movement, an effort to prevent similar tragedies by implementing social and emotional learning programs in communities that now include Santa Cruz...
Scarlett Speaks in Tucson about Safe Classrooms
Sep 19, 2019 | General
Sandy Hook mom teaching skills to create a safer classroom Thank you News 4 Tucson for having Scarlett! (Original story: HERE)
Choose Love Movement Joins Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation for the #BeKind21 Challenge
Sep 18, 2019 | General, Press Releases
Pledge Participation and use the Choose Love Formula Kindness Calendar. The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement™ joined Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation for its second annual #BeKind21 Challenge. The 21 Days to Be Kind Challenge encourages young people, families, and...
Scarlett speaks in Nogales about Losing Son
Sep 18, 2019 | General
Sandy Hook mom talks change in Nogales Thank you KGUN 9 for having Scarlett! (Full story HERE)
Empowering others to Choose Love
Sep 16, 2019 | General
Mother continues empowering others after son killed in Sandy Hook shooting [Scarlett] Lewis spoke to more than 800 female Bentonville students Monday, Sept. 16 at the NWA Business Women’s Conference. She said, “these are our future leaders, this society is theirs....