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Providence Journal: Mother of slain Sandy Hook pupil brings her ‘Choose Love’ message to N. Kingstown
Mother of slain Sandy Hook pupil brings her ‘Choose Love’ message to N. Kingstown October 12, 2017 NORTH KINGSTOWN, R.I. — Jesse Lewis,...
Honolulu Star Advertiser: Students learn compassion and courage in Sandy Hook mom’s program
Students learn compassion and courage in Sandy Hook mom’s program October 9, 2017
FOX Sacramento: Mother of Sandy Hook Victim Speaks at Sacramento School
Mother of Sandy Hook Victim Speaks at Sacramento School September 26, 2017 Click to watch video: SACRAMENTO -- On December 14, 2012, Scarlett Lewis' life changed forever....
HuffPost: Choosing Love in the Time of Grief
Choosing Love in the Time of Grief Arkady Bukh, Contributor Criminal defense lawyer, entrepreneur, philanthropist September 18, 2017 The smell of gunsmoke was still in the air when first responders...
The Movement to Choose Love is Global!
Aug 24, 2017 | General
A Global Movement to Choose Love! The Choose Love Enrichment Program has been downloaded by educators in almost every state in the United States and in countries around the globe, including: Argentina Australia...
Update from Scarlett
THANK YOU to our Choose Love community! With your support, we are able to offer the solution to issues that we are experiencing in our schools and the world. We can not wait for someone else to solve these problems, indeed if they could have, they would have! These...
Personal Responsibility
Aug 22, 2017 | SEL
Personal Responsibility By Scarlett Lewis Does anyone ever really swoop in and solve our problems? Even in the long-term? Perhaps parents do, or at least try, when we’re children. But in reality, issues that we face in our personal lives, as well as those in our...
Climate Control: Treat Your Classroom Like Our Planet
Aug 22, 2017 | SEL, Testimonials
Climate Control: Treat Your Classroom Like Our Planet By Krislyn Petti, Teacher, Waterbury, CT Quote for Contemplation: I realized if you can change a classroom, you can change a community, and if you change enough communities you can change the world. -Erin Gruwell...
Option B
Jul 15, 2017 | General
Option B Featured Post By Scarlett Lewis I’ve spoken all over the world since my six-year-old son's murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School alongside nineteen of his classmates and six educators...
Ceeds of Peace Video on Choose Love Success
May 15, 2017 | General, SEL, Testimonials, Videos Ceeds of Peace provided us with their video created by Kelley Lum Oshiro, the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement's Hawaiian ambassador, showing the positive results of the Choose Love Enrichment...