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Quick Tips to Start Choosing Love Today

Jun 11, 2018 | General, Resources

How can you be part of the solution to create safer schools and a more peaceful world? 

Ask if your schools have a comprehensive social and emotional learning program. Social and Emotional Learning teaches students how to have healthy and positive relationships, deep and meaningful connections, skills and tools for resilience, how to identify, label, manage and express emotions in a healthy way, responsible decision making and lots more.
If your schools do not have an SEL program, encourage them to implement one as soon as possible. The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement offers a comprehensive PreK-12th grade Social and Emotional Learning program at NO COST to schools because we know how vitally important this is to our children as individuals as well as to the future of our society.

Quick Tips to start Choosing Love.

  1. Download the Choose Love Enrichment Program™ for FREE PK through 12th grade social and emotional learning curriculum. DOWNLOAD
  2. Print the formula “Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness + Compassion in Action = Choosing Love” and post in your kitchen.
  3. Print the Choose Love monthly calendar with specific daily action items, such as:  “Have the courage to help someone in need, Say Hello to a Stranger, Change Every Negative Thought to a Positive One…” and hang in your kitchen, discuss with your family.  DOWNLOAD 
  4. Become a Choose Love Promoter by sharing this – and all of our social media posts – with your social networks to help spread this message far and wide.
  5. Make a Donation. Be Part of the Solution campaign on Impact Vine aims to get our valuable social and emotional learning curriculum into the hands of more local schools. In honor of Jesse, support our mission to provide 1,000 Choose Love toolkits to schools before the start of the 2018/19 school year. Our goal is to raise enough to provide 1,000 kits to educators at no charge. That’s 100,000 before the next school year starts. DONATE
  6. Host an event or fundraiserHelp us promote our social media messages to your friends, family and community by sharing our Choose Love Promoter Hub on Facebook, forwarding our newsletters and helping us gather donations to ensure that our programs will always be available for NO COST.
  7. Download Safe & Sound Schools Straight A Safety Toolkit. There are free toolkits for school communities in each active area of focus:  Assess, Act and Audit.