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Scarlett Lewis Speaks at Highlands Institute in Rome, Italy

Mar 15, 2017 | General


Scarlett Lewis, founder of Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement, was a guest speaker at Highlands Institute in Rome, Italy on March 13, 2017 for an interactive meeting with pupils, teachers and parents, to discuss the educational program, the Choose Love Enrichment Program.
The Choose Love Movement was founded to spread the culture of love and positive thoughts, following the tragedy that struck Jesse Lewis who was killed at just six years old in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012.
The educational program developed by Ms. Lewis, Jesse’s mother, aims to educate children and adults on how to manage emotions, in particular, how to transform anger into positive thoughts and gestures. Its motto is “Although we cannot always choose the things that happen to us, we can always choose how we respond.”
Scarlett Lewis also participated in the International Day of the Forgiveness on March 10-11, 2017 in Rome.