Scarlett Lewis, the mother of six-year-old Jesse Lewis who was killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy in December of 2012, represents what it means to be an unsung hero.
Scarlett is a loving mother who, after enduring such a tragic situation, now leads her own nonprofit to help others.
Through the Choose Love Movement, Scarlett has taken on the responsibility for the suffering of the children in the nation and around the world that often leads to disastrous effects by creating the Choose Love Enrichment Program. Through CLEP, a no-cost, next-generation social and emotional learning and character development program developed by a team of leading educators, Jesse’s message of “nurturing healing love” is being taught in classrooms and communities throughout the world.
The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement continually provides a proactive and preventative solution for everyone, and as the foundation empowers people around the globe to effect positive change, Scarlett’s movement is creating a ripple effect to make the world a peaceful, safer and more loving place.
Scarlett is a hero. She suffered the unimaginable — losing her precious six-year-old son in a horrific tragedy — yet Scarlett did not live a life based in fear and anger.
She became a champion and hero to all the people in the world who need her guidance, her love and her support in knowing they can be strong, can survive and must always choose love in any circumstance.