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Scarlett talks about Nurturing, Healing Love and how it can cultivate a world of safety, love, and compassion

Dec 14, 2019 | General

Since Losing Son At Sandy Hook Mom Spreads His Nurturing, Healing Love Message

In his final moments, Scarlett Lewis’s son Jesse was a hero who saved children before losing his life. For Lewis who founded the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement, her son is remembered on this seventh anniversary of Sandy Hook, not for his murder, but for the message he brought to the world of Nurturing Healing Love.

Lewis described Jesse as “incredibly courageous” and “wise beyond his years. He was strong. He had an incredible sense of humor and was confident, likable, and kissable and huggable.”

She talked about the six-year-old’s heroism and the meaning behind his inspirational Nurturing Healing Love message.

Jesse courageously saved nine of his classmates’ lives by shouting “run” when the shooter’s gun jammed, and they all ran.

Her work for the Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement is “the right thing to do. I think its honoring and remembering and being part of the solutions because this isn’t something that was a one-time deal. People think about it. They’re anxious about it. By the way, you know there will be another one. Two thousand eighteen was the deadliest year on record of a school shooting with 37 victims,” Lewis said.

She worries where and when the next shooting will happen and about children growing up isolated.

“It could be anywhere. Kids graduate with isolation, (having) suffered bullying. The trauma doesn’t go away when they graduate. Then we see violence in our world everywhere. You can’t say, ‘Oh, it’s in schools, it’s not going to impact me.’ It can impact us all. All the finger-pointing, the blaming, the taking sides has not helped. It has not brought us to a conclusion. The issues are intensifying. The whole point of The Yearbook is to remind people this problem isn’t going away,” said Lewis.

Lewis appeared on the Today Show Friday, Dec. 13 to talk about The 2020 Yearlong Project. It addresses the importance of a connected and compassionate school culture on school safety; what the anniversary of Jesse’s murder means to her family, the state, and the nation.

She added the sadness is “always with you. The loss never goes away. The only way I have been able to take my personal power back, to continue to live my life with relative normalcy and happiness is through forgiveness.”

Take the Pledge to Choose Love and Be Part of the Solution

Read the full story by Donna Christopher (Daily Voice Plus) HERE.