Chris Kukk and Scarlett Lewis
We are thrilled to announce our very own Dr. Chris Kukk’s book, “The Compassionate Achiever” published by Harper Collins!!
Chris’ book walks us through society’s need for compassion to survive and how compassion can lead us to greater success and personal happiness in our lives!
Many people think of compassion as weakness when in reality it is strength. The most successful businesses, communities and individuals rely on compassion to achieve.
Being compassionate is choosing love. This is the absolute BEST book I have read on the subject and it will change your life for the better, guaranteed!
— Scarlett Lewis
Advice from Kukk’s new book, The Compassionate Achiever:
Most of us seem to have an overwhelming urge to fill in the gaps or silences in conversations. One study found that most people break silence after only four seconds, mainly because they’re trying to either overcome a sense of insecurity or satisfy the need for social acceptance. Compassionate achievers, however, have learned to read and understand the gaps between words as important parts of the conversation. Embracing silence provides you, the listener, with an opportunity to refocus your attention. Don’t be in a rush to fill a silence with your own words. You may miss a valuable opportunity to learn.
For decades we’ve been told that we must look out for number one. But recent science shows that to achieve durable success, we need to be more than just achievers; we need to be compassionate achievers.
Kukk identifies the skills every compassionate achiever should master—listening, understanding, connecting, and acting—and explains how to develop each, with clear explanations, easy-to-implement strategies, actionable exercises and real-world examples.
The Compassionate Achiever is the handbook of real-world tools necessary for all of us to have more rewarding lives and to create more productive workplaces, and healthier, less violent communities.