News & Events

The Power of Gratitude

Feb 2, 2021 | Past Events

Join Us For An Interactive Discussion About The Power of Gratitude!

On February 10th, Scarlett Lewis will be joined by author and TEDx Speaker, Amy Schmidt, Founder of the “I Do Part Two” Blog, Lisa Speers, and Tidy Mind Coach, Angie Johnsey, to talk about how the power of gratitude is life-changing. These empowering women will discuss the different ways in which you can embrace the second component of the Choose Love Formula to enhance your life. Sign up below and be sure to join us next Wednesday at 7pm EST!

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Scarlett recently joined Amy on her podcast, Fearlessly Facing Fifty, to talk about what your life could look like if you consciously changed an angry thought into a loving one. Lisa has also been on Amy’s podcast, talking about how to make deeper connections.

Listen to Scarlett’s Episode Here

Listen to Lisa’s Episode Here

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