Support & Training
Choose Love programs have been designed BY educators FOR educators, and most instructors of these programs will agree that it is fun and rewarding to learn alongside the students as each lesson is taught.
No formal program training is required; you can immediately begin teaching the lessons.
However, we do offer the following additional support options:
Kickoff Keynote Sessions with Scarlett Lewis
What better way to kickoff the Choose Love For Schools™ program than with Scarlett, herself? Scarlett will share her inspirational story and the powerful data that supports Choose Love programming in a way that will unite, excite and motivate staff, parents, and anyone else to begin teaching Choose Love!
COVID Repair: How to (Re)Build Social Emotional Skills in an Unprecedented Era
Social emotional training for teachers and parents Are we sure our kids are going to be OK? What happens without adequate social emotional support? Social distancing has caused children and teens to lose valuable opportunities to practice social skills and to make and keep friends. No one knows the implications of COVID, racial tensions, political divide, and social isolation on children. The data shows humans require social networks and interaction. But what happens when children are starved of socialization or their mental health is not treated? How does it affect academic performance, decision-making skills and the impact on society? Caroline will discuss the potential long-term effects of the pandemic on children’s social, emotional, behavioral and cognitive development and what parents and educators can do now to strengthen social skills. She will describe the red flags of exaggerated anxiety and isolation and explain how to help children manage their own behaviors and emotions, build healthy relationships and make good decisions.

Meet Your Choose Love Ambassador
Have additional questions? Locate and connect with a Certified Choose Love Ambassador near you.

Register For Program Access
In less than 5 minutes you will be connected to all of our no cost programs as well as our Educator Guide, Implementation Best Practices, Supplemental Materials and more!