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Workplace Webinar “Choose Love in the Face of Anger…”

Apr 28, 2020 | Choose Love for the Workplace

Choose Love For The Workplace concludes three-part webinar series with “Choosing Love in the Face of Anger, Betrayal and Disappointment”.

You will walk away with:

1. The sense that you’ve spent an hour in the company of work friends who “get it”

2. The courage to face the thing you’re running away from doing, but need to do.

3. Concrete steps to become the leader you need right now (but may not have)

4. OMGosh work stories from this week that Jerry & Allegra have heard that are hard to believe (but true!)

5. Your power back!

The webinars will remind you that “although we cannot always choose what happens to us, we can always choose how we respond, and we can always respond by Choosing Love,” and provide the tools and skills to do this. In each session, you will learn how to apply the principles of the Choose Love Formula with practice skills, techniques, and essential resources.
Registration in advance is requested, and a donation is suggested to support our no-cost Choose Love For School program.
Join us and remember to Choose Love everyday!