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Planning for the Reopen: Best Practices from Businesses That Are [Now] Open

Apr 23, 2020 | News

Business owners and managers across a spectrum of area industries on Wednesday discussed how they have pivoted and adapted to survive the coronavirus crisis — and how their industry segments are likely to be permanently altered when Connecticut — and the world — return to some semblance of commercial normalcy.

The occasion was a webinar, “Planning for the Reopen: Best Practices from Businesses That Are [Now] Open,” presented by the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce and moderated by GNHCC President Garrett Sheehan.

The seven panelists described the adaptations the COVID crisis had forced on their companies — in sectors from real estate to restaurants to retail — but also how the “new normal” offers a wealth of opportunities for businesses that are willing and able to let go of past paradigms and embrace a transformed commercial landscape….

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