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News and Insights
Make Deadlines Your Friend
How many of you can relate to: “I create some of my best work while under pressure.” Or “This won’t get done without a deadline.” “We need this new (logo, website, print project, [insert deliverable here] YESTERDAY”. The problem with deadlines that most...
Who Needs Business Cards Anymore?
I need business cards, that's who. Ancient History? The desktop Rolodex. Have you ever asked a young person (18-25) what a Rolodex is? Do you think they would know the answer? Chances are they probably won’t. Has the Rolodex gone the way of the 8-Track,...
Always Knock and Always Smile
Always knock and always smile. That summed up my first week of interviews for several positions we are trying to fill to keep up with the expanding workload. The interview process has to be one of the most nerve-racking experiences for the person being...
Office Feng Shui
Handsome approves. Instead of enjoying the process of moving into our new office, I must admit that I’ve been pretty anxious about it. One client in particular recently came to visit me for a face-to-face and asked me point blank, “is everything OK?”...
It’s 1:05 am and I’m just wrapping up tomorrow’s presentation. Last minute tweaks that keep me up at night. Being a designer means I’m noticing things that probably no one else will: kerning, leading, consistent placement of logos, etc. I’m up past my...
All in a Day’s Work
Putting the exterior signage up on the new digs. Pretty cool. I felt like Ponch from Chips this morning, as I did a partial ‘move-in’ to our new space, spending the entire morning making sure the place looked and smelled just right. I’m new to the...
Growing Pain$
Town Clerk's Office Last week I blogged about how excited I was about moving my design company into a new, larger office space. Now that I've decided to take my company to the next level, I've discovered many hidden hoops to jump through and the costs...
Change is Good, Growth is Better
About 8 years ago, I remember driving down to the local Blockbuster store (remember them?) with 2 overdue movies and 2 overdue games. I was letting the anxiety of what the late fees were going to be, get the best of me. I walked into the store, ready to face...
Need a Kickstart?
You learn something new everyday. Yesterday, I found out about Kickstarter, which pegs itself as the “world’s largest funding platform for creative projects” while meeting over coffee with one of my long-time clients and former co-workers, Jeff...