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News and Insights
Shining a Light on Revolutionary Cancer Treatment
Peralta Design has agreed to work alongside the Ora Lee Smith Cancer Research Foundation as its official creative agency of record. Peralta Design is the first business sponsor for the foundation and will provide $25,000.00 of in-kind marketing, design and web...
Sold Out Crowd Attends Brand University Sponsored by Monroe Chamber of Commerce
Monroe, CT June 4th 2019 Ramon Peralta Presented: Brand University - How to Differentiate YOU from Your Competition at a SCORE Small Business Workshop co-sponsored by The Edith Wheeler Memorial (Monroe) Library and the Monroe Chamber of Commerce. In today’s...
Rave reviews for Think Like an Entrepreneur Event
Dear Ramon, On Friday, April 28th, more than 100 interested and engaged business people and students from Housatonic Community College, the University of Bridgeport, and Western Connecticut State University came together for the BRBC’s Women’s Leadership Council...
Ramon Peralta to be Key Panelist At Upcoming Think Like an Entrepreneur Event
Ramon Peralta Jr. founder and creative director of Peralta Design will be joining other expert entrepreneurs and intrepreneurs for a panel discussion following keynote speaker Themis Klarides. Please join Ramon on Friday April 28th at Housatonic Community College...
City of Shelton Website New and Improved
By Aaron Berkowitz Shelton, CT (February 28, 2017)—Over the course of the past five or six months there have been numerous complaints made by residents about the quality and overall accessibility of the city’s website. A local web design company is confident that its...
Brotherhood and Business: Alphas Hiring Alphas
Brother Jeffrey Sterling, hires Brother Ramon Peralta’s design firm for new project. Shelton, CT (February 22, 2017)—Bro. Jeffrey E. Sterling, M.D., has once again tapped Bro. Ramon Peralta’s digital creative agency, Peralta Design to launch a digital online community...
New Digs Give Shelton-Based Peralta Design Room to Grow
Bridgeport, CT (January 27, 2017)—For more than 8 years, Peralta Design’s mission has been to help others start and launch their own businesses. With its new location in suite 418 at 2 Enterprise Drive in Shelton, owner and founder Ramon Peralta hopes his own business...
The PD Life of: A Motion Design Intern
By: Danny Scinto Being an animator and video editor is a strange life. I’m one of those people whose passion aligns with their professional career. I wake up, work on some personal videos, then head to work to make videos for my company, then arrive at home with just...
Does Instagram seem impossible? It took us 4 times to get it right! Check out how we did it.
Before we started our new instagram strategy, we had our goal: Drive users to our page where they see the value and quality of our work and our team. And then we did some research. We looked at some of our competitors and we compiled them. We selected a few favorites...