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News and Insights

“What’s Your Summer Job?”

By Olivia Hale   I’ve been asked a few times this summer, “What’s your summer job?” I’m a 16-year-old high school student, so it’s typical to have a summer job, but when I answer their question it’s usually taken with a...

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Shelton-Based Peralta Design Moves to New Location

Shelton-Based Peralta Design Moves to New Location

The think tank and digital creative house provides creative services, web development and marketing strategies for products and businesses. SHELTON, CT (January 20, 2017)—Peralta Design has moved into a new location at 2 Enterprise Drive, Suite 418 in Shelton, CT...

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45th Annual Gold Seal Awards Honoring Community Service

45th Annual Gold Seal Awards Honoring Community Service

Shelton, Connecticut (October 26, 2016)—On Wednesday, October 26, 2016, the Greater Valley Chamber of Commerce presented six awards: one Platinum Award, four Gold Seal Awards, and one Silver Medal Award. Presented to the region’s business and community leaders who...

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We Launch Brands®

A Case Study: AcedMyInterview.com First question people ask us is what do you do? The second question is often, “Who are some of your clients?” The reality is that we are a full service digital creative agency, but our niche (you should all have a niche) is the...

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Usain Bolt Did NOT Sign With Nike

Why Usain Bolt would never leave Puma: The Puma + Jamaica Connection By Ramon E. Peralta III Thursday, August 25th, 2016 What is faster than Usain Bolt? Internet Rumors. With the closing of the much entertaining Rio Olympics this past Sunday, there seems to be an...

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