Our Blog

News and Insights

Snow Day: Working from Home

I haven’t written a blog since the Newtown Sandy Hook Tragedy. That whole event was so close to home that it really affected me, and especially my wife, who is a kindergarten teacher. Living just 10 miles away and being connected through mutual friends to some of...

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Giving Back

" If you want to touch the past, touch a rock.  If you want to touch the present, touch a flower.  If you want to touch the future, touch a life.  ~Author Unknown Our design firm is experiencing tremendous growth this year and we are poised to continue to expand our...

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Get Ziggy With It

"If you can dream it, then you can achieve it." Zig Ziglar Yesterday, we lost a legend in the world of motivational speakers: Zig Ziglar, born Hilary Hinton Ziglar (I’d rather be called Zig too) passed away in Plano, Texas, leaving a legacy of quotable motivational...

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Old School Skills

Tools of the trade. Old School Skills: How many of us have them? Rubber cement.  Spray mount. X-acto Blades. Proportion wheel.  Cutting mat. There’s something to be said for coming up the old school way in the design world. By old school, I mean coming up as a young...

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To CMS or Not To CMS?

Have you ever heard of web developers who would hold non-compliant, or non-paying clients hostage by refusing to make updates to their websites? That’s not to say that it wasn't always warranted or justified, either, but my point is that the only one who could control...

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What’s the Best Time to Post?

We’ve all been there: you posted something on Facebook and hours later you have very few if any comments or “likes”. You wonder to yourself, was it too hardcore for Facebook? Was it too political or not political enough? You might find yourself double-checking your...

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My Top 3 Exercise Apps

  "Ever notice that when you exercise in the morning, you feel more alert and productive all day? It’s no coincidence — a morning workout has several advantages for your body and your mind. First, exercise jump-starts your metabolism, and keeps you burning calories at...

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Mum’s the Word: Client Confidentiality

OK, I’ll admit it, I’m a talker. I love to share positive news and have been called a ‘shameless self-promoter’ (actually I’ve been called a lot worse). Whenever we get our hands a huge name-brand account, or get to meet a famous person, my first reaction is to want...

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Getting Paid

We always hear about the many benefits of being on your own: the freedom, being your own boss, making your own hours, hanging out at Starbucks all day, sipping your pumpkin spice latte while you hog up their free Wifi. Sounds good right? But what about getting paid?...

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