Our Blog

News and Insights

Be a Great Boss

  Over the years I’ve worked for all types of bosses.  I’ve worked blue collar UPS jobs, newspaper editorial department jobs and suit & tie corporate jobs. I’ve been managed, and I’ve managed team. I’ve worked from home as a sole proprietor and now that I’ve...

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Hello world – New Blog Location!

Hello everyone - I have moved my old blog from Typepad over to Wordpress in anticipation of my new company website. Over the next few months I'll be migrating my old blog postings over to this site. Thanks for following and stay tuned!   -Ramon

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Self-Financing Tips

In the span of my self-employment career, and with the experience and lessons that have come along with it, I’ve gotten a lot better with my finances. Despite what the credit card companies will tell you, if you think you can ‘charge’ your way to success with your...

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Say Yes to No

  You can’t do it all. You can’t be everywhere. Don’t over-commit and then talk about how stressed out you are. Saying “No” to yourself as well as to others is not easy to do. Saying “No” can sound something like this, “I can’t commit to this as I have other...

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Do the Right Thing

  No, I’m not talking about the 1989 Spike Lee classic (though some folks could use a refresher course right about now thanks to the political climate), I’m talking about the Golden Rule.   “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”   Great...

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Rocket Fuel

  You know you’re in for a busy week if its Friday afternoon and you’re already starting to feel that Monday morning anxiety. Before I head out for the weekend, I start jotting down appointments, meetings, calls and any creative project deadlines that are due by...

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What the Font?

  This year’s Presidential election has to be one of the most divisive and fundamentally polarizing contests in a long time.  Whether its Black vs White, Rich vs Poor, Democratic vs Republican, Liberal vs. Conservative, you can clearly see a distinct difference...

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Writing a Good Contract

  If you are in business for yourself, you’re very familiar with the phrase “get it in writing’. In design business, its very critical to come to terms with your client as quickly and clearly as possible so that everyone is on the same page. As any (good) lawyer...

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