Our Blog
News and Insights
Be Professional at All Times
Be Professional and Watch Your Business Grow “The mark of a true professional is giving more than you get.” What exactly does it mean to be “professional”? I’ve lost count how many new clients we’ve gained over the years simply because...
"Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly." --Stephen R. Covey Good help is hard to find. When you do find someone that can produce, is personable and can take the...
Control Freak
I have a tendency to overbook on my To Do list. I do it all the time, but I usually have no problem with moving any tasks that don’t get done today until tomorrow. That is, on my good days. I think that there is a direct link to how good I’m feeling about...
Touching Base with Potential Clients
“Hit another home run”, “What’s on deck?” and they just ‘threw a curveball’ are just a few of the many baseball metaphors that are used in business. Some other worn out clichés include: ‘step up to the plate’, ‘swinging for the fences’ and ‘striking...
Keeping Clients for Life
This morning, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of 3rd & 4th grade inner city students as part of a program called Breakfast of Champions. As guest speaker, they wanted me to discuss the “GPS of Success” and tell my story. I shared how I had...
Communication is Key
Communication - the human connection - is the key to personal and career success. -Paul J. Meyer Well, this week was another blur, but if I had to look back and pick out one thing that stood out for me, it would have to be the Art of Communication. It seems...
Something’s Got to Give
"The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing." - Stephen Covey It’s been a couple of weeks since my last blog and if I don’t start typing right now, it may turn into three. The last few weeks have been a complete whirlwind of activity and...
Hurry Up and Wait
A few weeks ago I blogged about Deadlines Being Your Friend and I guess you could argue that I didn’t have anything else to write about this week, but you’d be wrong. I could write about how great it feels when a client finally selects a logo that they...
iLug, Therefore I Am.
I’m sitting here writing this week’s blog back in the comfort of my home office while Spiderman plays on in the background and my dog snores. Over the last four years, I’ve really made this home office very comfortable and as any of you that follow my...